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Q&A with Best Mortgage Broker finalist Corey Fisk of BOE Loans

Why is this recognition important to your business?

Love for the Rockies formed in me as a flatlander youth during camping and ski trips with family. Living in the mountains has given me much inspiration and most importantly led me to the true blessings of my wife and children. This recognition through Best of Summit is a special gift from the people and a place that has meant so much to me.

Why did you choose this profession and what are you most proud of?

A mid-1990s tenure as a Wasatch Range brand ski bum whet my appetite for a community with rad mountainfolk. Armed with business/economics studies, life compelled me to the Chicago mortgage

training grounds.At the conclusion of these wonderful years, we followed Summit County’s beckoning yodel call. My greatest moments come when I am able to help people feel the same type of excitement and belonging that I have felt via homeownership in our wonderful county!

What motivates you in your work?

Smiles, handshakes and hugs after a successful closing give me tremendous satisfaction. It’s wonderful to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals, couples or families making Summit County their chosen community.

What makes Summit County a great place to do business?

Things that make Summit County a great place to do business come from things that make it a great place to live. From a people perspective, it is an evolving and dynamic community that helps give the spice of life. And what better place to live and do business than in this awe-inspiring, beautiful section of the world? It is a gift.

What does customer service mean to you?

We provide intrinsic aspects of great customer service; however, I strive for more. When a need arises to win the day by getting dirty in the metaphorical trenches while doing the heavy lifting, it is my duty to do so. Obliged and happy to do it.