JF Counseling Services offers comprehensive mental health support for teens, adults, couples, and families. Our dedicated team of seven therapists is committed to helping you navigate life's challenges and maintain your well-being. Grounded in a psychodynamic foundation, we focus not only on treating symptoms but also on addressing the underlying issues for long-term change. We tailor our approach to meet each client's goals, drawing from modalities such as CBT, DBT, EFT, EMDR, among others. Whether you're seeking support through difficult times or aiming to enhance your overall mental health, JF Counseling is here to provide compassionate and effective care.
JF Counseling Services offers comprehensive mental health support for teens, adults, couples, and families. Our dedicated team of seven therapists is committed to helping you navigate life's challenges and maintain your well-being. Grounded in a psychodynamic foundation, we focus not only on treating symptoms but also on addressing the underlying issues for long-term change. We tailor our approach to meet each client's goals, drawing from modalities such as CBT, DBT, EFT, EMDR, among others. Whether you're seeking support through difficult times or aiming to enhance your overall mental health, JF Counseling is here to provide compassionate and effective care.
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301 W Main St